
Siyahlumainvest makes things easier.

We strive to make lives easier and realize people's dreams in a simple style more


We digitalized the paper process in striving to give our clients unforgotable experience.

Acess your loans online more


Working with entrepreneurs and informal business

We understand your business more

Siyahluma Investment Solution: We put people first
to make sure they realize their dreams

Siyahluma Investment Solution is a financial service provider focusing on providing unsecured loans to its members and general public, with the special focus of working with entrepreneurs and informal businesses. Our services are intended to provide services to informal businesses, start-up businesses and individuals whose financial banking needs are not adequately covered by the existing financial institutions. Typical client profiles for small informal business owners who require bridging finance to buy stock or working capital to finance day to day operations. Other group of clients are professionals who have unique financial needs like investing in developing block of flats in their backyard for rental purposes or building houses in their rural homes.


What we promise


We emphatheze with our clients.


We understand there is family


When you want to finsh job, and run out money..


Like a tree, grow with us


We help so you achieve that course or certificate.


Things broken, lets talk options.

About Siyahlumainvest

Siyahluma Investment Solution is a financial service provider focusing on providing unsecured loans to its members and general public, with the special focus of working with entrepreneurs and informal businesses. Our services are intended to provide services to informal businesses, start-up businesses and individuals whose financial banking needs are not adequately covered by the existing financial institutions. Typical client profiles for small informal business owners who require bridging finance to buy stock or working capital to finance day to day operations. Other group of clients are professionals who have unique financial needs like investing in developing block of flats in their backyard for rental purposes or building houses in their rural homes.


We also have strong focus on investing in rural areas. Our unique product offers solution to rural home building market call "Rural Home Building Finance" is designed to offer financial solution in the building and construction of rural homes. This market is not currently serviced by main financial institutions due to lack of tittle deeds in the rural areas. Siyahluma Investment Solution has been providing loan to its members since 2008 and in 2017 the offerings were extended to non-members. SFS a division of Siyahluma Investment Solution is registered as a credit provider in terms of Section 40 of the National Credit Act with registration number NCRCP11573

Rural products

For Rural Shops

Shops in the rural areas - these are operated in the rural areas. Entrepreneurs often lack finance to expand their business or buy stock in bulks to get bulk discounts. These entrepreneurs have ran owner managed business and survived different economic cycles. Due to size of the business and geographic location of these entrepreneur they tend not to have formal financial records.


Townships / home improvement finance - most criteria used by retail in deciding to advance credit is over market capitalization where finance grant is limited to market value of properties in the area.

Small Transport Operators

Small Transport Operators - small business transporting operating in the rural areas. Typically these clients will need working capital to finance major repairs on their vehicles like Engine overhaul in order to continue with operations.

Rural Home Building Finance

Rural Home Building Finance - the lack of registered tittle deeds in the rural areas is one of the major obstacles in the financing of building loans or home improvements in the rural areas.

What our clients say


Simplicity in dealing with Siyahluma is one our key strong offerings. Clients are able to interact with our loan administrators via our user friendly website and WhatsApp messaging. All that you require to access services of Siyahluma is South African Identity number and Cellphone number. Loan application up to finalization is paperless process and thus reducing cost of doing business with Siyahluma and increasing access of our products.

Proccess your transactions online

Just from the palm of your hand you can view your loan details from online. You can request new loan from online. No filling paper work is required. Use leverage your smart phone power.

Hustling is intrisic to us

We understand that for small business it is tough going to get financial assistance. But if you want to leapfrog your small business, we will listen.


Contact us and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.

517 Deodar Avenue Noordwyk Midrand 1687

+27 71 833 9063